Fine-scale Air Quality Modeling and Forecast

By combining state-of-the-art technologies in mobile device personal tracking, fine-scale air quality forecasts, urban informatics, transport modeling, big data analytics, and health impact assessments, Prof. Jimmy Fung, Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability, and his team have created a fine-scale air quality modeling system, and innovative mobile app “PRAISE” to provide highly accurate real-time and forecast air quality, and personal exposure health risk information down to street level. With resolution between two to 20 meters, users can better understand where and when they are exposed to the largest amount of air pollutants in their daily activities, and plan healthier routes to avoid pollution hotspots.  The system can also be applied in other cities around the world.  The regional air quality model system has generated significant impact: on public policy in setting Hong Kong Air Quality Objective standards; and provision of better visibility forecasting in relation to haze for Hong Kong International Airport.


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